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국가기간뉴스 통신사 연합뉴스  2022.12.19 (월) 
 부산 3˚C 미세먼지 좋음
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[월드컵 결산]
  • ①모로코 돌풍·아시아 약진…절대 강자도, 약자도 없다
    ①모로코 돌풍·아시아 약진…절대 강자도, 약자도 없다

    아르헨티나가 36년 만에 우승을 차지하며 19일(한국시간) 막을 내린 2022 국제축구연맹(FIFA) 카타르 월드컵에서는 이변이 잦았다. 영국 시사주간지 이코노미스트가 전 세계 주요 스포츠베팅 업체 정보를 한데 모아 제공하는 웹사이트 '오즈포...

오디오 뉴스
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작년 3만명이 퇴직연금 중도인출해 집 샀다…역대 최대
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다국어 톱뉴스
Yoon says he is sorry to people for delay in budget passage
Yoon says he is sorry to people for delay in budget passage

President Yoon Suk-yeol said Monday that he is sorry to the people for the parliamentary delay in passing next year's government budget and instructed the government to do its best to get it passed, his office said. Yoon made the remark during a weekly meeting with Prime Minister Han Duck-soo as the rival political parties continued to wrangle over details of the budget plan and the government's proposal to cut the corporate tax rate. The legal deadline for the budget's passage was Dec. 2. "President Yoon said the importance of next year's budget is greater than ever in order to